Will Happen
From now on UGG can no longer take Vae Victis International subscriptions.
UGG will also not install a Command & Strategy yearly subscription
with 4 issues per year. Instead customers can take a ‘Command Strategy
endless subscription’ that will be charged when we go to the printer
for each issue. Also UGG will take individual pre-orders on specific Command
& Strategy issues.
More details will follow.
None of these future Command & Strategy issues will publish in a regular
cycle but at the time when we have them ready. We will take the time to
work things out so you will get our best from what was offered for publication.
This means YOU, the readership, can offer your review, preview, AAR, historical
background stuff for publication which will be kicked into shape in good
cooperation with you until both parties are satisfied. To see if, and
when, a specific new issue is to be published we count:
Pre-orders for that issue + old Command & Strategy subscriptions +
Vae Victis International subscriptions + new endless Command & Strategy subscriptions.
All this depends on
the fact for Command & Strategy #7 to be an economic
success. If not, UGG will no longer continue to publish magazines. It’s
to you!
What happens to your Vae Victis International subscriptions?
All of you get Command
& Strategy #7.
Thereafter you have the following options:
1) Keep your subscription
for Command & Strategy #8,#9, and #10. That way you increase the chance
to see more Vae Victis issues in the English language. This way you get
a bargain, because you will get them at the best rates, better than with
an endless subscription.
2) Get a refund for the rest of your subscription.The latter will be preferably
done with games of your choice. Anyway UGG is not XTR, we won't keep your
money and give you nothing!
Command Strategy #7
is out now! |